Ai Picture Utility (AiPICT) views, edits, enhances, manages and organizes photos -- plays multimedia too. Are your digital photos too bright, too dark, over-exposed or under-exposed? AiPICT's advanced batch image processing and conversion procedures empowers digital photo professionals with unlimited combinations to correct or enhance any image. Advanced (and unique) filters provide capabilities found only in expensive commercial software; these include variable equalization and remapping, unsharp mask, histogram analyses, masked bitmap operations, contrast enhancement and restoration, ..Has you picture collection grown and become unmanageable? Quickly thumbnail entire drives (or offline CD/DVD volumes) and organize images by visual content (or date, size, keyword) with its Slide Album; proprietary image analysis can even quantify and rank picture quality. Integrated batch rename, rename by date, move/delete functions seamlessly coordinate with its Explorer (Treeview and Listview) and helps collectors peruse massive picture series downloads. Included Batch UnZipper extracts multiple ZIPs unattended too. You can also create impressive slideshows (or presentations) with choice of 173 cool effects, variable delays, windows-in-windows, gamma, background color, rotation, comments and other properties (per slide). Format support includes PNG, PhotoCD, Photoshop, GIF, BMP, PCX, TGA, WMF, DCX, Multi-page TIF (w/ anti-aliasing for easy reading), MP3, WAV, AVI, MPEG, MIDI, CD audio, WMV, WMA, ASF ...
Picture Converter is a comprehensive photo resize and converter application.